2010年1月14日 星期四

Red-and-Green Apple 半紅半綠的蘋果

    Call it an identity crisis, call it a freak of nature, but here's one little apple that wanted to get noticed.
    Ken Morrish is stunned after growing a Golden Delicious apple split down the middle – one half is RED and the other GREEN.

    The one-in-a-million fruit has caused such a sensation in his village that friends and neighbours have been queuing up to take pictures of the incredible specimen.
    Sceptics might say that the apple may not be an entirely natural phenomenon and that it’s down to some fairly precise artwork, but the retired painter and decorator insists it’s the real deal.

    Ken, 72, said: “I couldn't believe my eyes. It's absolutely phenomenal.”

    He spotted the split personality apple as he picked them for his sister-in-law.

    "The red and green split through the stem is totally perfect – as if I've painted it."

    "It's a genuine one-off and none of us have ever seen an apple like it before"

    Mr Morrish, of Colaton Raleigh, Devon, took the extraordinary fruit to experts at nearby rural Bicton College, which specialises in the countryside and horticulture, for closer examination.

    "They took pictures of it and had never come across anything like it either.

    "It's caused a real stir in the village."

    "People have been coming round to see it and take photos of it. "(Daily Mail)

    中新網9月28日電 英國德文郡有一個種蘋果的老先生,日前發現他家的蘋果樹上,有一顆奇特的蘋果,這顆蘋果是截然分明的一半紅,一半綠,也完全沒有漸進層,紅綠兩個顏色分得清清楚楚,連農業專家也大呼不可思議。 




