2010年5月19日 星期三

Black Penguin

    Sticking out of the crowd like a sore thumb, this rare black penguin is causing quite a stir among bird experts.

    The bird, which was spotted in Fortuna Bay, on the island of South Georgia, has been described as having a ‘one in a zillion mutation’ by ornithologist Dr Allan Baker.
    Dr Baker, of the University of Toronto, said the bird had turned black because he has lost control of his pigmentation patterns.

    He added: ‘That is astonishing. I’ve never ever seen that before…Presumably it’s some kind of mutation.’ (Daily Mail)


    這些照片是由艾萬斯拍攝。他和其他幾人從數千隻普通企鵝中發現到這隻獨特的企鵝。 他在國家地理雜誌博客上寫著:“見到這隻黑色企鵝漫步在南格魯吉亞的黑色沙灘上,舉止與其他企鵝並無二致。”

資料來源:World's Kaleidoscope

